Is there a guy on your mind that you would like to date?
Have you been wondering how to get a guy to like you, as you’ve had a certain guy in mind?
Have you been trying to flirt with him, talk to him and give him sexy looks, but you’re still not sure if he likes you?
Well, from all the dating tips I’ve learned over the years, there are some things you can do which can contribute to getting a guy to like you. Make sure though before you get the guy to like you, that he would be the right guy for you.
Being the right guy for you means that you share some similar interests and have similar values with how you want to live. I learned the hard way when there was a guy I was crazy about. He wasn’t healthy at all and I needed to be healthy due to many health issues. It was hard to be with someone who didn’t care what they consumed, as it would create conflict when I valued the opposite. This can then become an issue down the track when cooking meals together for example. So having some things in common is important, which is why I’ve listed some tips below as he will like you more for it as well.
Be Your Best Self – Show Him You Have An Awesome Life
The most important tip for how to get a guy to like you, is to show him what an awesome life you already have and how happy you are on you own. Men love to make women happy, and this shows him that you’re an easy person to make happy. This will show as you’re already happy with your own life whether he’s there or not. Having something to talk to him about that excites you and makes you happy, is such an attractive trait for a man to see in a woman.
So make sure you know yourself first. The better you know yourself, the easier it will be for you to know what makes you happy. As the guy can’t be around you all the time anyway, so making yourself happy should be your number one priority. This will include following your hobbies, interests and passions where you’re doing something you really enjoy. From doing this, we are then illuminating that happiness from us which makes us a pleasure to be around.
He’s going to want to be around you more when he sees how happy you are in your life doing things you love. This will make him think how easy it would be to make you happy because you’re already happy. If he has similar interests, hobbies or passions, then it can be even better. It will mean you can both share what you love along the way.
Before I met my husband, I had a great job I enjoyed and was doing lots of self development to learn how to have a great relationship. This included being my best self, learning about healthy eating and pursuing a dream to be self-employed. This intrigued him as he was interested in those things as well. He had always been open to learn how to have better health, wealth and relationships too.
Flirt With Him
Once you are happy with your life, then you have the best chance to create a happy relationship too with a partner. This is where you can incorporate some flirting to let him know you’re interested and to see if he likes you as well. There is a happy balance though with flirting as some women can come on too strong. Just remember it needs to be natural, light and easy going.
Confidence is key and the main aspect to successful flirting. So to do this, you need to know that you are worthy of getting him to like you and see you as a great catch. To put yourself in this positive frame of mind, list all the things that are great about yourself that he would like too.
Smiling at him a lot can be one of the easiest ways of flirting with him to get him to like you. This will also give you signs if he likes you as well, as he’ll be happy to flirt back and would smile a lot at you too.
Another light way to flirt with him to see if he likes you is getting into a conversation with him where you’re kidding to see if you get a smile. An example of this could be saying what great weather you’re having, even when it’s thunderstorms and pouring rain. Make sure you say it with a smirk on your face so he knows you’re kidding too. Never say anything negative about him though, even if you are kidding, as he could still take offense to it.
A great quote I love from Mimi Tanner is:
“Flirting makes a woman ten times more attractive to any man…. yet so few women flirt”.
I love her “Secrets to Flirting with Men” ebook and it helped me get better at flirting. I still flirt with my husband even now and he loves it.
Play Hard To Get
Another way of how to get a guy to like you, is playing hard to get. An example of this is where men love a challenge and will work hard for something of value. If it’s too easy to get, then they don’t value it as much. Men will generally say that they don’t want a woman to play games, yet they do love to chase the girl who’s not easy to get.
This even happened to me when I wasn’t planning it consciously. I went out on a few dates with a guy, but didn’t want to sleep with him as I had a bit of a fear around trusting a guy too soon. He told me about this woman who threw herself at him and they had sex straight away. Then he said he would then lose interest in her. Whereas he couldn’t stop thinking about me and wanted to spend more time with me, even though we weren’t getting intimate yet. He said it was driving him crazy as he did want to get really close to me, but I was determined to take it slow.
Part of playing hard to get means never offering your number to a guy. A guy who is truly interested in you will never give you his number. Men prefer to be the pursuer as that makes them feel good. When he asks for your number, that means he’s interested. It means he has started to like being around you and talking to you. Part of getting a guy to like you is also allowing him to pursue you.
Listen To Him
Something most women don’t often think about is how much you actively and attentively listen to what a man is saying. If you’re a bit infatuated with a guy, then generally you just keep looking at how attractive and good-looking he is. You need to be really interested in what he says when he’s talking and engage in the conversation by asking further questions. This will allow him to feel important and heard. This will make him happy when he feels that and it will create a genuine likeness towards you.
We all want to be loved for who we are on the inside, as looks can change as you grow older. So really listening well to him when he speaks is an important way to get a guy to like you more. Even though Chemistry is important, I heard that if chemistry is a 10/10, run the other way. As you need to have more than just chemistry for it to last. It was advised that a good chemistry is about a 7/10, as having other things in common will be just as exciting.
Did The “How To Get A Guy To Like You” Tips Make Sense?
There’s many ways you can work on how to get a guy to like you, but just remember, you need to like yourself first. Let him see that you know you’re a great catch. Think of the qualities you have to offer him. These tips are just some ways to get a guy to like you, but we all still have free will. Attraction will still be in the eye of the beholder. Doing these tips to stay confident and attractive, may see many guys looking your way and wanting to talk to you.
So remember to be your best self and follow your interest, hobbies and passion that makes YOU happy. Having a happy life makes you look more attractive and have a good energy about you. This will also attract a guy to you who will have a similar, happy energy about himself as well. Then when you’re meeting guys, use some of those flirting techniques to see who’s interested in you as well.
When you know he’s interested, then play some hard to get, as that will make him want you more. Learn to enjoy the chase, while respecting yourself for not being easy to get to that next step in the relationship. Remember the other important part where when you’re in conversation with a guy you like, you need to listen to him attentively. Ask back questions in relation to what he has said. Give him your total focus when you’re talking as this will make him feel important.
If you’ve spent time with a guy and now he won’t respond to you, there is another option. This will need to include repairing that connection. This can be done with the Man Mistake Eraser tools.
These are just some tips from what I have learned through experience, books and audios on relationships. So to know how to get a guy to like you, make sure you put these into practice. Feel free to comment on what has worked for you and what hasn’t and all the best with your relationship.