Hi, my name is Lauren and welcome to my “When To Call Him” website. This is dedicated to women and girls who aren’t sure how to handle the situation during dating a man when they don’t hear from him and they’re not sure whether to chase him with calls, text messages or even emails to find out if he’s interested or even alive still.
I started out like this though with men I dated. Sometimes I would hear from them, and sometimes I wouldn’t. I would then want to know what he was thinking, did he like me, why hasn’t he called or texted me yet? I was constantly thinking “When to call him?”
These sorts of questions can stress you out and cause you to contact a guy a lot to get answers on how he feels about you, without even realising that your stalking. I’ve always been curious about relationships, since I decided, when I was younger, that I wanted to see if I could find my soulmate/true love/life partner. This started me on a journey of learning as much as I could, by reading lots of booking on dating, audios, videos and even attending a coaching course.
So through what I have learned, I wanted to share it through my websites, blogs and articles to help other women learn from my mistakes, as well as learn what works so they too can feel adored, loved, appreciated, special and not to settle, but to be able to wait for that guy who will treat you like a princess.
A guy will treat you with what you’re willing to put up with as well. It’s meant to be easy and you will know it feels right as he’ll be more than happy to chase you as men prefer to chase you. We normally value things more than we had to work hard to get.
I didn’t have much relationship experience or help from others with dating, so it was self taught with a bit of heartache and tough mistakes. BUT…
I was determined to never give up until I found that man of my dreams. So as time went on, I learned to love and respect myself enough to walk away from men who didn’t make me feel special. This allowed me to follow certain steps to allow the guy to chase me, contact me and see me as the prize.
I look forward to being able to help women feel empowered to make good decisions in your dating and relationships. I’ve seen and heard too many stories of women being upset and frustrated when a man won’t commit or even contact them to tell them how he’s feeling.
Good decisions leads to him falling more in love with you and staying in love with you, which is what we want and dream of for that ideal long term relationship.
With everything that I have learned, the purpose of this website is to educate other women to learn as well when to call him, when to text him and when to email him without him feeling like you are stalking. The way you handle each communication will allow him to fall more and more in love with you.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,