When to Call Him: Counterintuitive Way of Handling Calls With a Man You’re Dating

You’ve met a guy and been out on a date or two, so you like him and you’re thinking about him more often than not. You haven’t heard from him all day, or even for 2 days or more, so you’re wondering if he still likes you. Then you start to think, I haven’t heard from him, “when to call him?”

Importance of Knowing When To Call Him At The Right Time

If you haven’t heard already, men like to be the pursuer and women like to be the prize. So that means you need to allow him to be the pursuer by waiting for him to come to you. This is where many women can’t wait and just need to talk to him, see him or rush into it. If he wants to rush into it though, let him prove himself to you along the way, let him show to you what a great guy he is by trying to get your attention and making you feel special.

This is where patience is the winner!

Patience will let you see the real him and will let you prevent a lot of heartache, by waiting to for the right guy for you to treat you like you’re special. I believe every girl deserves to be treated like they’re special.

Remember, the less time you talk to him or spend with him, the more time he’s going to want to spend time with you and talk to you. This is how reverse psychology works and it feels good to him to miss you, think about you, and want to do things for you to make you smile.

So when is the right time to call him?

When he has tried to call you and you’re returning his call or if he left you a voicemail message or sent you a text message asking you to call – That’s It! That’s the only times you will call him while you’re dating. After he has committed to you and asked you to be his girlfriend/partner, then again, keep the calls to a minimum.

Don’t book things for you to do together, don’t organize stuff together. Wait until you know he is serious about you, then even for the next 3 months, continue to do your own thing unless he asks to be included.

This will prevent unnecessary heartache and time with the wrong guy. As the right guy is waiting for you.

How To Get Him To Call You

I know it’s hard, as I’ve been there, done that, but to get him to call you need to leave him alone and go focus on your own career, your own fun and keep yourself busy. I found this to be the most difficult part, especially if you don’t hear from him and you need that reassurance that he’s interested.

How To Get Him To Call You

I know it’s hard, as I’ve been there, done that, but to get him to call you need to leave him alone and go focus on your own career, your own fun and keep yourself busy. I found this to be the most difficult part, especially if you don’t hear from him and you need that reassurance that he’s interested.

Before you call him you though, you need to stop thinking if he likes you, if there was something wrong with you, did you say something wrong etc. I used to think these things, as well as: maybe he’s lost his phone, maybe he’s lost my number, maybe he had an emergency, etc, etc. I would think up of so many excuses that he might have as to why he hasn’t called or even texted me yet. I think I even texted an ex boyfriend when I hadn’t heard from him for nearly 3 months to ask if he was alive. (it did’t work out in the end anyway, as we weren’t right for each other).

If you haven’t heard from him, then he’s not making you a priority. But aren’t you special? Aren’t you worth being called or at least texted?

The answer to that is YES!

You are special, important and amazing, but for you to contact him first, means that you’re putting him first. This is where you need to remember that to be treated like you’re special, you need to put yourself first. Treat yourself like you know you’re special. Anyone who knows they’re special are busy doing things that are important to them and therefore can be difficult to get hold of. This is what you need to do.

No more wondering if he’s going to call you or not, as you’re busy having fun, doing what’s important to you and following your career. Then when he does, he sees that awesome person that you are. If he doesn’t call you, then he won’t appreciate you. So Next!

What To Focus On While You Are Waiting For Him To Call

As I said before, the hardest part to do from here, is to focus on yourself as you’re a busy and important girl. If he wants to spend time with you, you’ll need to book him in when he does call. This means that when he does call, you don’t cancel something to see him. You make him wait to when you are free. Then he’ll know that you don’t just drop everything for any guy, he has to wait to when you’re free to join your already awesome life.

If you’re busy, then you advise him when you’re free and if he really wants to see you and spend time with you, then he’ll make sure he’s free when you’re free.

If he’s not making time to spend with you, then you deserve someone better who will.

I remember when I couldn’t get a guy to commit to me and spend time with me, I was constantly thinking when to call him. Then I’d give in and send him a text, but these guys didn’t work out as I was doing all the chasing.

When you meet a guy who really connects with you, then you won’t need to wonder if he’s going to call you as he’ll be contacting you quite often and wanting to book in time for you both to spend together.

Not calling him and allowing him to call you no matter how long it takes, also allows him to be the pursuer which is what makes him feel good and allows the woman to be pursued which is also what would make her feel good, as she’s the prize. You are the special prize that he should be so grateful that he got to meet you that he won’t let you go.

Do You Really Need To Call Him? This Is The Only Time To Call Him

The only time for when to really call him, is when he has left you a message to call him back or he has made the attempt to call and you were busy and couldn’t answer. Then you call him back.

This is the best time to call him in your first stages of dating. Once he is fully committed and calling you his girlfriend/partner, then you can call him a bit more often, but even then, still leave majority of the calling, texting and chasing to him. He enjoys it, he feels that you are the prize and worth chasing.

If you are dating a guy or interested in a guy and need to confirm when to call him?

One mistake on when you called him, could turn him off for a long time, so make sure you understand you reason for wanting to call him and whether you should or not.

The best advice I’ve seen as to whether you should call him, is this book I can recommend. It covers dealing with all calls, text messages and emails with a guy you like or a guy you’re dating, and you can check it out here:

“Calling Men” The Complete Guide to Calling, Emailing and Texting the Men You Date.

These secrets explained in the book, will set you apart from other girls he might have dated and will also make him want you more. Don’t just take my word for it, check out everything it includes at her website Calling Men.

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